Have you made the decision to get a tattoo? If so, you should be aware it’s a significant choice to permanently mark your skin. It’s essential to do your homework before proceeding. Therefore, having the right inspiration and a talented tattoo artist who understands your needs is important.
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a great tattoo artist, or even an average one. Particularly not these people, who likely set out to get a nice tattoo but ended up on the list of tattoo disasters. Let’s take a look at these funny tattoo failures that are bound to make you squirm.
We Have a Celebrity Favorite When It Comes To Tattoos
Here we go again. We’re not criticizing your choice of celebrity or the tattoo you got. However, you could have chosen a more skilled artist, so that Marilyn Monroe, the iconic star from her era, didn’t end up looking like this on your body. Just take a look at the comparisons.

We will reiterate, portraits are hard to execute properly, so seek a professional. If not, your tattoos may end up like this. It resembles a poor imitation of Marilyn Monroe. The eyes, mouth, hair, and everything else are entirely incorrect. Why would anyone choose this?
That’s No Darth Vader
Characters from Star Wars are frequently chosen for tattoos. Many people often get tattoos, particularly of lightsabers. Another popular tattoo is of Darth Vader, though it’s not easy to get it done well. Below is an example showing how off it can feel, especially if you are a Star Wars fan.

It resembles a blob holding a stick more than it looks like Darth Vader. It’s amusing when you observe it; the artist really put in a lot of effort to make it resemble the genuine character, but it’s not very good. This must be the work of an amateur.
Is That a Gorilla or a Human Head?
Some people intentionally get amusing tattoos because their sense of humor is unique. However, these individuals often regret their decision and try to remove the tattoos. In this case, the tattoo is located at the base of the person’s head, so it will likely be concealed by their hair.

He had a gorilla tattoo inked on his head as a prank. Now, the back of his head resembles a real gorilla. Credit goes to the tattoo artist for their skill, but this is pretty embarrassing. We hope his hair grows back quickly so no one sees this eyesore.
The Real Spider Man
We’ve all noticed tattoos inspired by animals and insects on people, but we’ve never encountered something this large, especially on someone’s face. This man clearly has a deep affection for spiders, as evidenced by the tattoos covering his face. If you have arachnophobia, you might want to avert your eyes. This huge spider tattoo is rather unsettling.

We understand the excitement of having your favorite animal tattooed on your skin, but we never expected anyone to actually do it. Surely, we can all agree that this man is the real Spider-Man, with the appearance and characteristics to back it up. Wouldn’t you agree?
Another Tattoo Lost in Translation
You’ll notice many people with tattoos in foreign languages, particularly those using characters instead of alphabets. If you inquire, most of them aren’t actually sure what the tattoos mean. However, when a native speaker of the language sees them, they’re likely to have a good laugh.

We’re confident that this individual didn’t intend for their tattoo to read “Turkey Sandwich.” They likely assumed it was something cool and perhaps had a distinctive meaning. However, after translation, it turned out to simply be a turkey sandwich. If you’re a big fan of turkey sandwiches, then this is the perfect tattoo for you.
Fr..ankenstein Mercury?
Freddy Mercury is undoubtedly an inspiration for many, having had a significant impact on the music industry. He has a vast following and continues to be admired to this day. It’s understandable why people would want to have his face tattooed on their skin. However, let’s explore the history of portrait tattoos. Do they turn out well?

Based on our experience, portraits are consistently a poor choice. This particular piece confirms our opinion again. It resembles Frankenstein more than Freddie Mercury. The features are quite different, as the artist has made him appear frightening rather than the beloved figure.
Leave Tattoo Portraits to the Professionals
Desiring to have your loved one’s face tattooed on your body is certainly an emotional gesture. However, to ensure it’s done accurately, you should visit a professional who is experienced in creating portrait tattoos on skin. If you choose someone less skilled, you may end up with results like this.

This individual intended to get a portrait of his girlfriend, but you can tell how it ended up. It resembles a scene from the movie Insidious more than a demonstration of his affection and commitment to her. The takeaway: always choose experienced tattoo artists, particularly for portraits.
Skittlez, not Skittles
This is a perfect example of a spelling error. While there are numerous other issues with the tattoo, let’s focus on the tattoo artist’s mistake rather than the tattoo choice. We’ve all had those rainbow candies when we were young, but it seems the tattoo artist hasn’t.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made such a basic mistake – the spelling of Skittles. When you consider it, perhaps it was made to appear that way by the individual. However, we want to emphasize that it was poor work by the tattoo artist rather than criticize the tattoo choice itself.
From a Baby to a Grown Man with the Help a Tattoo
Tattoo artists ought to recognize when they lack the expertise to do portraits, to avoid spoiling emotional memories and damaging their clients’ skin. This situation exemplifies a poorly done portrait tattoo, particularly involving an infant. It’s clear from the tattoo that it doesn’t resemble the original.

The baby appears more like an old man having a restful nap and a delightful dream, rather than a small, smiling, drowsy infant. It’s unclear why tattoo artists choose to accept these projects, and one can only imagine the parents’ reactions.
Another Portrait Gone Terribly Wrong
We are aware that people enjoy getting tattoos of their loved one’s face. It’s a gesture of love because it allows them to keep their partner’s face close to them at all times. This was the sentiment that led this person to have a tattoo of their beloved’s face.

It’s really cute, but they should understand that portraits can go horribly wrong when they become tattoos. Now, the girlfriend has strange gaps in her teeth, wrinkles, and so many other additional features on his skin that it no longer resembles her at all. We wonder if the girlfriend found it amusing when she saw it.
A True Animal Print Tattoo
People like tattoos with animal prints on their skin. They are often small and look nice. For example, leopard spots or zebra stripes are popular and stylish animal print tattoos. However, in our opinion, nothing beats the one displayed here. Just take a look at it.

A person had their whole leg tattooed with a snake pattern. The tattoo is quite impressive, with incredibly accurate and lifelike details. Nonetheless, the sheer scale of the tattoo took us by surprise. Her leg resembles a giant snake, and all those scales are giving us the chills.
What’s This? An Armpit Onion?
We’re a bit puzzled about the meaning of this tattoo, but let’s try to figure it out. The woman seems to be suggesting that armpits smell like onions if left to decay. We’re hoping this is one of those Shrek references indicating that ogres, like onions, have layers.

The positioning of the onion tattoo is certainly intriguing and perplexing. We’re interested in learning more about it. Perhaps it’s a nod to the fact that armpits have a distinct odor and onions accurately represent this. However, we’re not entirely certain about this interpretation.
There’s a New Prome Queen in Town
You’ve probably heard of a prom queen. It’s usually a title given to a girl in high school during prom. However, this girl has a new twist on the title for herself: “Prome Queen.” It immediately brings to mind the distinctive characters from Game of Thrones or other fantasy series.

The prom queen’s title was misspelled, and we hope it can be corrected. Taking out the unnecessary “e” shouldn’t be difficult for a tattoo artist. Here’s hoping she can remove it and truly be the prom queen, at least for herself.
A Spelling Lesson is Crucial for this One
Having words of wisdom inscribed on your arm is a common practice for many individuals. You’ll find plenty of people with meaningful words tattooed on their skin, and it often looks great. However, you need to be meticulous about getting your tattoo done correctly. Otherwise, you might end up with something like this.

It’s crucial to have faith in “yourself” and to never lose “hope.” The artist did a poor job with this inspirational quote. The spelling errors are quite noticeable since there are two significant ones. Someone needs spelling lessons before becoming a tattoo artist.
Get Abs in a Day
Everyone desires to be in good shape to look attractive. Many people focus on properly developing their abs and chest when working out. If you’re looking for a trick to achieve abs, here’s an ideal solution for you—get a tattoo.

At least that’s what this guy thinks. He got a tattoo of the ideal body he’s always desired. The shading is impressive, and the effort is remarkable, but does it provide an authentic appearance? Not at all. These fake abs and toned muscles are making us cringe.
We Really Need an Autocorrect for Tattoos
It’s fine to have minor mistakes in your tattoos if they’re small in size. However, when the tattoo covers your whole forearm, the errors become quite noticeable. Take this one as an example; you can’t afford any grammatical errors with a tattoo of this size.

But guess what? There’s a huge grammatical error present. There should be an autocorrect to handle these issues because they’re becoming uncontrollable. Is it supposed to be “It gets better”? We’re certain that’s what was meant. Now, either this person addresses the error or gets it corrected.
Living Life With No Regrets
A frequently chosen phrase for tattoos is “No Regrets.” However, despite its popularity, many tattoo artists often make mistakes with it. This is a notable instance of spelling errors made by tattoo artists.

The tattoo reads “No Regerts,” and we imagine it took some time for the person to realize the mistake, as they likely didn’t expect anything to go wrong. Another common error in this category is when people tattoo “No Ragrets” on themselves. Were these mistakes intentional, or were they genuine errors?
M&M, Eminem, or Both?
It can be challenging to get a unique tattoo since there are so many different designs available. People often use their creativity to come up with something truly distinctive. Here’s one design that is quite original, featuring a famous artist, Eminem. Interestingly, his name sounds like M&Ms.

Someone decided it would be amusing to have a tattoo of a blue M&M with Eminem’s features. It’s creative, but is it really necessary? We get that you want to stand out, but let’s not go overboard. On the plus side, the portrait of Eminem is pretty well done, isn’t it?
Turtle Head Is The New Fashion Statement
In the spur of the moment, people sometimes shave their heads to make a bold statement. While that’s a trendy look, an even bolder move is getting a turtle tattooed across your bald head. Just kidding, we don’t actually recommend following in the footsteps of someone who ended up with a turtle tattoo on their head.

Having a tattoo on his head must have been quite a painful experience, but he went through it all for the sake of the turtle. The animal seems to be gazing deep into our souls. It’s rather unsettling if you look at it for too long. Here’s a tip: avoid getting animals tattooed on your bald head.
This Wolf Isn’t Scary at All
When you picture a wolf, you visualize a keen predator ready to strike its prey. You also think of werewolves, notorious for being one of the most perilous fictional creatures. Therefore, when you see this tattoo, you’ll find it amusing how absurdly scared this wolf appears.

Instead of frightening you, this wolf tattoo appears as if it’s extremely frightened itself. The wolf, howling at the moon, looks very scared. It’s amusing when you see it. While the distant view of it howling seems intimidating, the large wolf head is one of the funniest things you’ll ever see.
Font Size and Design is Important
We never realized the significance of tattoo font size until we saw this. It’s a common issue for many people. They opt for tattoos in various font sizes and designs, thinking it’s stylish, but it can end up being hard to read and visually unappealing.

The woman decided to have her font design and shape created in the form of an anchor, but that’s where things went off track. It’s hard to even recognize it as an anchor. Instead, it seems like a jumble of words randomly scattered on her arm. So much for artistic creativity.
Bon Jovi Quotes For The Win
Jon Bon Jovi is a celebrated artist of his era and has numerous hits that are still listened to today. He’s one of those iconic artists you’re likely to have encountered at some point in your life. As a result, many people choose to tattoo his song lyrics on their skin.

There’s no harm in doing so, as long as you ensure you’ve got it all correct. This person had his “It’s My Life” tattooed on their skin, and we’re not sure if you can spot the issue here. Hint: it’s a grammatical error that you might not notice at first glance. He has “is” written twice.
Is This the Boogie Man or T-Rex?
As children, we allowed our imaginations to run wild, conjuring up scary monsters emerging from under the bed. Many of these might have looked like this tattoo. But do you know what this tattoo actually represents? It’s a depiction of an extinct animal, the T-Rex dinosaur. Do you see any similarity?

Although we’ve never actually seen a T-Rex in real life, we can certainly imagine what it might have looked like based on their skeletons and, of course, Jurassic Park. Does this even resemble that in any way? The proportions are completely wrong, and it looks more like a terrifying chicken.
Can You Guess the Hollywood Celebrity Through this Tattoo?
We all admire Hollywood celebrities, but some people are particularly fixated on them. Here’s a perfect example of someone who decided to have a Hollywood celebrity’s likeness tattooed on their skin. Can you guess which celebrity this tattoo resembles? If you look closely, you might figure it out.

You’ll notice that this person has a tattoo of the well-known celebrity, Marilyn Monroe, on her arm. The tricky part is that you’ll need to look closely to see the resemblance, but you will be able to spot it. This is another example of a tattoo portrait that didn’t turn out as planned.
Are We Looking at A Yankees Logo?
People are very passionate about sports. They gather all kinds of memorabilia and even get tattoos representing their favorite team. So, tattooing your favorite team’s logo isn’t a problem. The trouble arises when your tattoo turns out looking like this.

We’re uncertain about the exact appearance of this. We made a guess that it is similar to the Yankee’s logo. Instead of resembling the logo, it appears similar to some mythical creature from an ancient period. However, if you observe closely, you’ll notice its similarity to the logo. Precision in lines is crucial in tattoos, and it’s clearly evident here.
Never Overlook The Placement of Your Tattoo
It’s definitely important not to neglect the placement of your tattoo. Be sure to carefully consider the location where you want your tattoo. Otherwise, you could end up with a tattoo in a very odd spot, much like the one shown below.

The bride has a tattoo reading “Regret” on her wrist. Displaying this tattoo in wedding photos can really dampen the mood. It’s a sweet, sentimental day overshadowed by the tattoo. Seeing this, people might question if she’s genuinely happy or not. That’s unfortunate.
Another Case of Bad Spelling
We’ve encountered numerous instances like these where poor spelling from tattoo artists becomes a problem. However, we don’t believe that’s the situation here. The individual opted not to have the last “s” in “fearless.” Instead, they chose to include a heart, likely to add some flair.

Tattoos look really bad when they’re spelled incorrectly. We’re not really sure whether this was the artist’s fault or the person who got it. However, upon closer examination, the outfit and the pink nails say it all. The heart was more important than the ‘s.’
She Won’t Have Trouble Telling People She’s Vegan
Nowadays, you’ll see many people adopting specific lifestyles and eating habits. One of the most popular diets is the vegan diet. It’s often hard to determine if someone is vegan until they bring it up themselves. But you know who we don’t need to be concerned about?

This woman had her face tattooed to announce to everyone that she’s vegan. It’s certainly a significant commitment to have a facial tattoo, so hopefully, it’s a lifelong decision. Wherever she goes, people will recognize her as the vegan woman.
Prime Example Of Tattoo Failure
When getting a tattoo, you need to consider the text, design, and where to place it on your body. Making this decision isn’t easy because you have to make sure the right text or image is inked on the right spot on your skin. This person didn’t value creativity or planning.

She immediately got “Finaly Famous” tattooed on her chest. We realize she didn’t intentionally choose the incorrect spelling, but the tattoo artist’s mistake is too noticeable to ignore. This obvious tattoo mistake quickly made her famous.
7 Rings or a Japanese Style Barbecue Grill?
It’s understandable for an average person to end up with a cringe-inducing, bad tattoo, as they might not have access to skilled artists. However, when a celebrity makes a tattoo mistake, it can be quite embarrassing. A good example of this is Ariana Grande. You’ve probably heard her song ‘7 Rings’, which is certainly memorable.

Because of the song’s popularity, Grande wanted to commemorate the success of “7 Rings” in a meaningful way. She decided to get a tattoo on her palm intended to say “7 Rings” in Japanese. However, the tattoo actually translates to a Japanese style barbecue grill instead of the intended words.
Ex-Girlfriend’s Selfie Is The Perfect Tattoo On Your Arm
There are many ways to show love for your girlfriend. While many people opt for tattoos of each other’s names, the date they met, or another meaningful symbol, few couples choose to get tattoos of each other’s faces. Can you guess who didn’t consider this carefully?

This person thought it was acceptable to have his girlfriend’s selfie tattooed on his arm. Now, since the future of the relationship is unpredictable, it’s better not to have constant reminders of an ex. Yet, for this guy, every time he does anything, he’ll see his ex pouting at him in this selfie tattoo.
The Tattoo Speaks For Itself – “Nobodies Perfect”
There’s a common saying that everyone knows, “Nobody’s Perfect.” We’d like to find out who is responsible for this tattoo, as they’ve obviously misspelled it. It’s amusing when you consider that she got this tattoo on her chest, and it’s a rather fitting representation of what it says.

We hope it’s a spelling mistake, but who made it? Did the person intentionally write “Nobodies” or did she genuinely not know the correct spelling? We sincerely hope someone has pointed it out, and that she now knows the correct word, at least.
You’d Want to Avoid this Compass Rose
What do you first seek out when you’re feeling disoriented? You might think Google Maps, but that’s not what we’re referring to. A compass is designed to help guide you, but if you examine the compass rose featured in this tattoo, you’ll likely feel quite perplexed.

The fundamentals of using a compass are usually taught early in life. However, it seems this tattoo artist made a mistake. All the directions are mixed up, except for the North. If you feel uncertain about your basics, seeing this might make you feel more confident.
A Distorted Tiger is Quite a Tattoo
We’ve noticed that getting animal tattoos is definitely a popular choice for many people. However, it’s important that these tattoos are done by skilled professionals experienced in creating 3D designs. Otherwise, the result might end up looking like this one, which only becomes more puzzling the longer we look at it.

Does this resemble a tiger to you? It’s definitely a very distorted version. It looks more like something a child might draw than work from an experienced tattoo artist. The features and placement are all incredibly unattractive. We hope that the artist was provided with a similar reference picture to justify its unsightly nature.
There’s a New Stitch in Town
Many people love Disney movies, and it’s common to see people getting tattoos of their favorite characters. Ariel from The Little Mermaid is a particularly popular choice. Here is a beloved tattoo, but this version is quite unique compared to what we’ve seen before.

Here’s a rendition of Stitch from the well-known animated TV show “Lilo and Stitch.” You might notice it looks a bit different from what you’ve seen on TV. You’re not mistaken. The imagery of this tattoo is quite distinct from the familiar version of Stitch. Let’s hope the text isn’t incorrect either.
Look Closely, Don’t Miss the Real Tattoo
Many people around the world like to cover themselves in multiple layers of tattoos. Similar to the examples below, individuals have tattoos all over their bodies, and there’s no harm in doing this. It simply expresses their love for tattoos. However, there are some things you should never do, and that’s what this person has done.

Perhaps you misunderstood, assuming the focus was his body tattoos. Actually, we’re discussing the glasses tattooed on his face. It’s tough to overlook them now, right? This person believed that facial glasses tattoos would eliminate the need for actual glasses. Someone should inform him of the reality.
Trolls and Their Whacky Hair
Trolls are small dolls with hair that stands straight up. This is likely one of their most distinctive features, and there is even a movie about them featuring the Smurfs. It’s clear that this individual was genuinely inspired by these charming little dolls.

He has a patch of hair that resembles the hair on those dolls. What could be a better idea than to get a troll tattoo underneath it? The tattoo is quite detailed, but it’s just as cringe-worthy and unsettling if you examine it closely. We wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
Pikachu, Is That You?
Pikachu is arguably one of the most beloved Pokémon, so it’s not surprising to see people getting tattoos of this character. The key is to have it inked precisely to capture the charming essence of Pikachu. However, this particular tattoo is quite different from the actual Pikachu.

Pikachu seems to be having a difficult time and needs to reunite with Ash to sort things out. Pikachu’s facial expressions are distressing. We sincerely hope there aren’t any more of these unsettling tattoos, as they are tarnishing Pikachu’s image for us.
So, You Ultimately Give Up?
Wise words are often chosen for tattoos. However, problems arise when the intended message gets distorted, giving it the opposite meaning. That’s exactly what happened with this tattoo. The individual intended to have “Never Give Up” inked on their biceps, but it turned out quite differently.

The sign now reads “Never don’t give up,” which is the exact opposite of the intended message. Since two negatives make a positive, it actually suggests that you should give up. Isn’t that amusing? We had a good laugh over this mistake.
Let’s Just Say That Translators Are Essential for Tattoos
Many of us have witnessed individuals getting tattoos in various languages, often without knowing their meaning. It’s a different experience when it’s translated into your native tongue. Recently, a social media influencer wanted a tattoo that read, “Only God can judge my mistakes and truths.”

Can you imagine what happened next? The tattoo artist interpreted it differently and ended up tattooing the phrase “I can judge a single god with my wrongs and wrongs” on her body. We were surprised to see how he completely altered the meaning of the tattoo she had intended.